Photo: Ella Jardim / Unsplash


Don’t you ever just wish there were more hours in day? Not even to do anything extraordinary, just to, you know, sleep. I know I have. When dealing with competing demands, you’d think the best way to get more done would be to multitask, right? Wrong. The better method is actually to batch your work. When used correctly, batching can help you to be more productive in less time. Excited? You should be.


What is batching?

The Collins English Dictionary (2006) defines a batch as “a group of… things dealt with at the same time.” Batching, then, requires completing a lot of the same or similar tasks in a set block of time.

You may deal with all of your emails in one go at the end of the day (industrious). You may buy everyone’s Christmas presents in one fell swoop (organised). You may even prepare all the raw ingredients for your weekly dinners in advance (clever). These, my friend are examples of batching.


What’s so great about batching?

I’m sure you’re sceptical. I once was too, but I’ve been trialling batching with my social media planning and content for a few months and it’s worked wonders. Here’s why:

  • Batching stops you from panicking about the what and when. Because you’re prepared in advance, you don’t have to stress. Everything’s there when you need it!
  • Batching means only having to do something once. Why do something every day (seven times) if you could do it all (once) in one day?
  • Batching is a lifesaver if you want to go on holiday. Sometimes you need a break, but the work still needs to happen. If your work is digital content creation, for example, you can write content in advance, then automate it so it’s still published consistently when you’re away.
  • Batching saves you time in the long run, while you still produce the same amount. Essentially, it helps you to get more done in less time.


Why does batching help you get more done in less time?

Good question! In my opinion, this is the most important reason to batch. When you focus on one thing, you prioritise what you’re doing, working with less distraction, and with the same attention that I know you had when you stalked your high school crush. (Don’t worry, I won’t tell.) One of the batching tasks I’ve started doing is writing all of my Instagram captions for the month.

When I sit down to write my Instagram captions, my brain goes into writing mode. It takes a while to get started, but once I do, I get into a bit of a flow and this allows me to work quicker. Before I know it, I’ve got a month’s worth of captions written! Previously it could’ve taken up to two hours to write a single thought provoking caption (seriously). Now I can write up to 20 captions in a day! You may be able to complete lots of little things in a day, but you will be far more productive if you finish one big thing (batch) instead.

Everyone likes to multitask because it seems like you achieve a lot when you do. The only thing is, scientific studies don’t back this up! When you multitask, your productivity and creativity actually drop. According to an American study reported in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, your productivity could decrease as much as 40%! Oh, and your stress levels also increase when you multitask. (Yay!) If you constantly switch between different tasks, you tire out quicker, which leads to procrastination and lower productivity. The result: less (quality) work that took longer to complete. 


How do you batch?

Now that you understand the power of batching, I can tell you’re just itching to try it for yourself.

There are five steps:

  1. Decide what you want to work on and assess what you can reasonably complete in one go. E.g. one section of a report or peeling all the peelable veggies for meal prep.
  2. Gather up everything that you need to complete the task. E.g. documents and stationary or ingredients and utensils.
  3. Get started and don’t stop. There are two options when it comes to batching. These are outlined below.
  4. Set a timer or set yourself a time limit. Refer to the details in your chosen option for more information.
  5. Make sure to take regular breaks. Concentration is limited so stop yourself from getting distracted by taking a break. P.S. Going on your phone is not a good use of this time!


As I mentioned, you have two options: you can either Go Pro or Go Go. I made those terms up, so don’t try to Google them. Just read on.


Option 1: Go Pro Batching

If your aim is to become a force to be reckoned with, you probably intend to use batching in your career. Since you’re a professional, you should use the Pomodoro Technique to guide you. The idea is to work in focused 25 minute blocks where you complete similar tasks, then take a five-minute break before beginning another 25-minute block. After completing 4 pomodoros, you can take a 20-minute break. Continue this process as required. Be Focused is a free app with a default 25-minute timer that is perfect for this.


Option 2: Go Go Batching

For those of you who don’t subscribe to the social construct of time or simply don’t need to be as strict, you probably intend to use batching for something more personal. Meal prep or casual writing come to mind. I call this technique Go Go Batching because it’s what I use and I just try to go and go until I get it all done! When I batch my Instagram captions, I simply aim to have them completed by the end of the day and take short breaks when I need them. Oh, and just FYI, toilet and food breaks are a necessity and shouldn’t be used as ransom for results! (If you do this a lot, you should probably read this.)


Batching tasks allows you to use your time more efficiently and helps you to become more productive at whatever you want to do. The secret: working for set periods of time on the same or similar tasks. Batching works because it allows you to maximise your concentration and decrease distraction. To start batching, all you have to do is decide what you’re going to work on, get organised, set a time limit and give yourself breaks after each focused session of work. No need to wish for more hours in a day; use your time wisely by batching your work.


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Happy batching!

Grace x