quarter-life crisis

  • self-discovery

    How Self-Discovery Can Change Your Life

    Self-discovery can change your life. Literally. I spent years on a traditional career path that didn’t feel quite right, simply because I didn’t know what else to do. Then I quit my job and leaned into self-discovery to find my true purpose. My friend, Allison achieved three major milestones in one week. In the aftermath, […]


  • quarter-life crisis

    How I Moved Past My Quarter-Life Crisis and How You Can Too

    According to an online survey conducted by LinkedIn in 2017, 75% of 25-33 year olds have experienced a quarter-life crisis. Maybe you don’t believe in it. If so, lucky you, you’ve clearly never experienced it. For those who have, a quarter-life crisis can leave you feeling anxious, disillusioned and perpetually stuck in a career, relationship […]