Month: August 2018

  • how to be positive

    How to Be Positive When You Feel Like Giving Up

      When things get tough, it’s natural to want to give up. “Let’s forget about working out today. You can’t do it,” that little voice says. Or maybe, “You’re never going to get where you want. Why bother?” Is this accurate? Giving up may seem appealing, but deep down, you know you want to keep […]


  • self-care

    The Beginner’s Guide to Self-Care

    You’re staring down the barrel of another late night at work. Your house is a mess. You can’t even remember the last time you met up with your friends. In order to meet your deadlines, you eat at your desk, forget about exercise, sleep, and any unnecessary social interaction. When you’re stressed, self-care usually plummets […]


  • make money

    5 Simple Side Hustles to Make Extra Money

      As a millennial, have you ever wondered if you’re as well off as your parents were at your age? According to, the average wage of a millennial today is estimated to be 20% lower than the average salary of a baby boomer. No wonder we all want to make more money! If you’re […]