Stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage? Not seeing the results you want, and let’s be honest, deserve? It’s time to work on the mental level!

The marketing gurus want you to believe that copying and pasting their formula is the key to success, but the truth is, success is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. The gurus only teach strategy because it’s easier than working on the mind. But I’m up for the challenge if you are!

By the end of this episode, you will:

  • Understand why it’s so important to work on the mental level.
  • Be able to identify your limiting beliefs.
  • Understand how to bring awareness to your current way of thinking so you can change it and get the results you deserve.

Success looks different to everyone, but no matter what your goals are there are 3 key levels that you need to work on to get the best results – these are the emotional, mental and behavioural levels.

You don’t know what you don’t know, so if you’re unsure which of the 3 levels are holding you back, take my Business Blind Spot quiz! Got 60 seconds? Give it a go!

Then listen to Episode 23 to learn more about working on the mental level.

If you’re ready to apply what you’ve learned and start seeing the success you deserve, check out my 1:1 coaching programme – Kickstart to Clarity and Confidence. I have the capacity to help 3 clients over the next 6 months, so complete an expression of interest to see if it’s a good fit for you.

P.S. Doors close on 30 June 2022, so don’t wait. Apply now!

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