Month: December 2018

  • Christmas movies

    The Best Christmas Movies to Binge-Watch This December

      It’s that time of year again. The time when people get a little crazier, when Mariah Carey gets played on repeat from every speaker for miles around, and when binging on Christmas movies becomes everyone’s favourite pastime. Grab a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and get ready to watch everything from The Santa […]


  • travel

    15 Essential Things You Need to Do Before You Travel

      Planning a holiday is like playing Jenga. You need to be cautious, and you need to think long-term before making any sudden decisions. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or whether this is your first international trip, make sure you do these 15 things before you leave the country. It could be the difference between travel […]


  • work-life balance

    How to Achieve Work-Life Balance

      “Something needs to change. I never see you anymore,” my husband of two months said. At the time, I was teaching Year 2, and honestly, my career was my life. I worked constantly, hopelessly striving to complete the never-ending to-do list of research, planning, marking, assessment creation, incident reports and responding to parents. In […]