fixed mindset

  • perfectionism

    3 Reasons Why Perfectionism is Ruining Your Life

    A study conducted between 1989 and 2016 found that perfectionism in the US, UK and Canadian population was increasing. Maybe you don’t identify yourself as a perfectionist, but the truth is, a lot of us are perfectionists and we don’t even know it! When faced with the interview question, “What’s your biggest weakness?” we’ve all […]


  • develop a growth mindset

    Want to Develop a Growth Mindset? Here’s How to Do It

    At eight years old, I was told I was bad at Maths. In high school, my Maths teacher refused to support me when I wanted to join a standard class whose results wouldn’t be scaled down at the end of the year. Throughout my education, there was plenty of evidence that supported the idea that […]


  • growth mindset

    Why You Need a Growth Mindset and How to Develop It

    At eight years old, I was told I was bad at Maths. In high school, my Maths teacher refused to support me when I wanted to join a standard class whose results wouldn’t be scaled down at the end of the year. Throughout my education, I believed that my abilities were fixed. I believed Maths […]