Month: January 2019

  • make motivation a habit

    How to Make Motivation a Habit

      Ever have one of those days where getting started feels like a gargantuan task – dare I say it, even a Neil Armstrong-level pursuit? The problem, of course, is that things still need to get done, so ignoring tasks indefinitely isn’t going to work. My solution: make motivation a habit, so it becomes automatic. […]


  • career site millennial women

    5 Career Sites Millennial Women Should Visit

      Millennials are the largest generation in the U.S. work force, a study by Pew Research found. Clearly, Career is a priority to many and an area that we all strive to succeed in, but it’s one that requires constant development and attention if we want to reach our potential. Whether this is the year […]


  • set goals

    How to Set Goals the Right Way

    In the past, New Year’s Eve was the most depressing time of the year to me. I’d concentrate on all of the “failures” I’d had that year, swear off setting new goals, and with a dramatic flourish, cry, ‘Why even try?’ When I thought about it rationally, I realised two things: firstly, that I’d had […]