Month: February 2022

  • How to Overcome Self-Sabotage

    Wondering how to stop your self-sabotaging behaviour? The problem’s deeper than you think. Back in Episode 8 (The real reason you self-sabotage), I began the conversation around self-sabotage. If you want to learn what self-sabotaging behaviour is, why we do it and 5 common signs of self-sabotage, you’ll want to check that out before tuning […]


  • Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How to Fix it

    You know how it feels. Your thoughts race. Your heart beats faster. The feeling of panic engulfs you. You’re overwhelmed. Prolonged stress and overwhelm inevitably lead to burnout. Which is why it’s important to spot the signs and manage it before it gets to this stage. In today’s episode, I’m joined by author (I’m Awesome. […]


  • 10 Ways to Build Your Confidence

    Want to be more confident? Of course, you do! Introverted and extroverted clients alike tell me they want more confidence in their lives and businesses, so I know you’re going to find this episode helpful. In this episode, you’ll learn: The difference between confidence and self-esteem What the biggest misconceptions are Whether it’s possible to […]