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steps to a better year
Photo: Jeffrey Hamilton / Unsplash


Was 2018 like a personal retelling of Wall-e, without the happy ending? At any moment did you feel like you’d be suffocated by Life’s rubbish? Did you feel lost? And did you feel like you were lacking in meaningful goals? If last year was a bit of a disaster, take a deep breath and put it to the back of your mind for now because I’m going to tell you how to make 2019 a better year in three easy steps!


Step 1: Read The Life Plan by Shannah Kennedy.


steps to a better year

Find it for the cheapest price at Book Depository

Firstly, if you seriously want to understand yourself and take control of your life, you need to read this book! If you’re not much of a reader, don’t be put off. The Life Plan is a remarkably easy read and has lots of writing sections to get you thinking. This is honestly the best book I’ve read in a long time!


Step 2: Use MiGoals.


steps to a better year

Find it at MiGoals online

Secondly, it doesn’t matter if you’ve already bought yourself a diary, you need this one! It works amazingly well alongside The Life Plan, prompting you to reflect on 2018 and set your short and long term goals for the year ahead. The MiGoals diary also includes a monthly planner, expenses record and a daily planner section to help you jot down your daily to-do list and those important events. There are even review sections to keep you and your goals on track throughout the year. Brilliant!


Step 3: Create a Vision Board.


steps to a better year


Finally, you may think that making a vision board is just for teens or that it has little impact on your success, but if you want to achieve your goals, this is an easy, yet extremely effective way to move towards doing so. It’s all about visualising what you want and how you want to feel. I’ll talk about this more in my next post, How To Create a Vision Board.


There you have it! If you want to make 2019 a better year, I suggest reading The Life Plan by Shannon Kennedy, grabbing MiGoals 2019 and creating a vision board. These three easy steps will not only help you set goals and give you strategies for success, but they will also put you in a better frame of mind to improve your chances of attaining it.


Have you got any tips for a better year? Let me know in the comments. If you’d like to keep up to date with my posts, don’t forget to subscribe!


Here’s to a fantastic 2019!

Grace x