How resilient are you? The truth is, most people overestimate their resilience. To be honest, most of us don’t even have a clear understanding of what it means to be resilient!

Nod if you agree with the following definition:

Resilience: The ability to deal with setbacks or overcome adversity in order to succeed.

What if I told you that this doesn’t truly define resilience? That this only really outlines the behaviour involved and doesn’t actually identify what resilience is. Read that again.

The problem with thinking about resilience in terms of behaviour is that it doesn’t help us figure out how to become more resilient. It only shows us the end result.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What the 3 major myths about resilience are
  • What resilience really is (and why your understanding might be wrong)
  • How to measure your resilience in 15 minutes or less

Once you understand what resilience is and what it takes to become more resilient, you can work out your strengths and weaknesses and tailor your resilience training accordingly, so you can become more resilient.  

If you want to learn why 3 common assumptions about resilience are wrong, what the 7 factors of resilience are, and how to identify your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to resilience, check out this episode now!

Next, take The Resilience Quiz to find out how resilient you really are!

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